Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Strength Challenge Update no. 6

A quick update from the strength challenge:

I rand a duathlon with Jeff this weekend. Despite the cycling and running I am still feeling strong. New highs on squat prove that progress is still happening.

As time is running out on this challenge I am excited to see where I am at. I will have to admit that I am starting to feel the results slow. I am no longer blasting through the previous workouts numbers, I am making steady gains. This is probably due to the amount of endurance training I am still doing. Now that the spring season is in full swing. It is time to add a little more volume in.

Anyway, here are the latest results

Squat: 205x8, 215x8, 225x8, 235x6
Seated DB press: (45x8)x4
Pull-up (slow reps): 10x4
Bench Step Up: 45x6 each leg
TRX feet elevated push up and pike: 12,10,10,8

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