Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Road to 800

         “800 what?” you may ask. I am talking about deadlifting 800lbs. This is a short intro to my road to completing an 800lb deadlift. This could be a long series, however, because I only recently broke the 700lb barrier. I know this won’t happen fast, but it will keep me more involved with the readers of our blog.

         Within this series of posts I will be detailing my deadlift workouts as well as any assistance work I may or may not have done that day. To bring you up to date, I like to deadlift (I will be writing a short post on it very soon); I deadlift every day that I train in some way and I don’t count RDL’s as a deadlift –they are one of the best assistance exercises for a deadlift and for Olympic lifts, but they are still assistance work.

          As far as last week goes, it was my first week back and I was very pleased with the numbers that I hit. On Monday, I did deficit deadlift for 8x2 up to 240kgs. On Tuesday I did straight-leg deadlifts with an 8” log up to 200kgs for 1-5 in the morning and then regular deadlifts at 260kgs for 1-5, +9 (if you don't know what that rep scheme is, read my post about it). On Wednesday I did dynamic snatch grip deadlift for 6x2 at 140kgs. On Friday my deadlifts consisted of heavy sandbags, rocks, tractor tires, and frames –so there were no sets, reps, or PR’s for that.

Anyways, you are caught up now. I will update you again at the end of this week!

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