Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Good Reads January edition

By Andy

“The First 20 Minutes”
by Gretchen Reynolds
   Anyone interested in wading through the fitness fluff, fads, and failures should consider reading this book by Gretchen Reynolds. Reynolds, who is a columnist in the NYTimes health and fitness section beautifully takes the latest health and fitness research and puts it into a perspective anyone can understand.
    The premise of this book is to show us that some of our most common exercise beliefs actually have no justification scientifically. The book also lays out guidelines, parameters, and ideas for someone looking to maximize their time at the gym. With all the fads and hype out there about the latest and greatest fitness programs it is often hard to know what is truly effective and what is a waste of time.
     Do you chronically do cardio, static stretch, or swear by low fat diets? You might want to explore this book and see what the research says. You’ll be surprised as to what you discover. The research is well backed, the studies are conclusive, and Reynolds does a nice job of explaining the physiology behind what she is talking about.
    This  book reshaped my outlook on many exercise fundamentals and greatly influenced my own training regimen. It is highly recommended for anyone looking to get in shape for 2013!

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