Sunday, March 10, 2013

Growth and Improvement Part 1 - Measurements

By Jeff

Have you ever set a goal, got ¾ of the way to achieving that goal (in a relatively short amount of time), and then plateau never hitting the goal? This is a pretty common occurrence in every aspect of life. You want to drop 30 lbs to get in the normal BMI range (BMI is an entire topic of it's own but it is still an OK health indicator for the majority of the population). So you work hard and drop 15 pounds in 5 weeks, only to lose 5 more pounds in the following 10 weeks never hitting you 30 lbs weight loss goal. Or you want to break a 6 minute mile so you cut your mile time to 6:30 at first and plateau at 6:25. I'm sure this has happened to all of us on multiple occasions. This write-up will be a multi-post article geared towards what I talked about above – improvement or even better - growth.

Ask yourself the question, what is my purpose in life? If you are religious your answer would probably be “spiritual growth” - to grow closer to God, to your family, friends and neighbors. If you are not religious your answer would probably be “to live” (in a very generic sense). But I would be incorrect to say atheists aren't constantly striving for growth either. However, this is a fitness and health blog, why bring up the purpose in life? The answer is because everything is interconnected. Your physical health improves/grows, you feel better mentally, therefore your mental health grows, this could only lift your spirit (spiritual growth), all of which makes you more available to improve your spiritual health even further. So to sum it up, taking two hours a week (out of a total of 168 hours in a week) to grow physically, can have a drastic effect on your overall well-being as a human (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually).

The topic of the first “growth” post will be on measurement. 

Measurement can go a long way in growth. When you are little kid you know that you are growing bigger by always having to buy bigger and bigger shoes, and by measuring how tall you are. Those are obvious measurements that don't need any record keeping. In terms of fitness – you can measure your body weight, body fat %, heart rate, mile time (or any distance), length or heights (think field events in track and field), or weight of the object your are lifting. If you want to dig even further you can measure efficiencies, probabilities, percentages, standard deviations, or anything you can learn from a statistics class. The point is measurements are a bulletproof way to tell you if you are improving or not and recording your measurements in a spreadsheet and running statistics on them can help you develop a bulletproof way on breaking plateaus. However, you will have to wait for another post to hear more detail on these measurements.

The measurements that I want to talk about today are more generic then the above paragraph. They are tailored to help you identify what goals you truly want to achieve aka “how bad do you want it?” What I recommend is to keep a diary, for most people this would be their smartphone. And write down every single negative thought or complaint that ever crosses your mind. Yeah, this is a little extreme, but the more you write down the higher your chances to grow in the long run. Go back through all of your Facebook posts, emails, old diaries, tweets...anything that records your thoughts and look for negative thoughts or complaints and compile them into one location. You can probably sense where I'm going with this. All of this record keeping are measurements. Start tallying up which negative thoughts cross your mind the most often, and you know the high counts to the most crucial thing you need to grow or improve on. Not only will this help identify what goals you truly want to achieve, it will help you vent and will help your emotional health grow.

So there you have it. Step 1 for growth – measurements. The next post will be titled “goal setting” and will cover how to turn your measurements into goals.

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